Nature,做作周论 6 July 2023, VOL 619, ISSUE 7968
X-ray polarization evidence for a 200-year-old flare of Sgr A
*Sgr A* 200年耀斑的X射线偏振证据
▲ 作者 :Frédéric Marin, Eugene Churazov, Ildar Khabibullin, Riccardo Ferrazzoli, Laura Di Gesu, Thibault Barnouin, et al.
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▲ 摘要:
河汉系中间有一个品质约为太阳400万倍的黑洞(人马座A* ,Sgr A),做作周论当初颇为清静,出书其亮度比沉闷星系核低多少个数目级。文导星系中间地域致密气体对于SgrA* X射线的做作周论反射为钻研其以前数百年以及数千年的耀斑行动提供了一种措施。
从Sgr A*临近重大份子云审核到的出书X射线不断体的形态以及强荧光铁线与反射天气不同。假如这种批注精确,文导反射的做作周论不断辐射理当是极化的 。
钻研组报道了运用成像X射线偏振探测器在河汉系中间份子云倾向上的出书偏振X射线发射的审核服从。经丈量偏振度为31%±11%,文导偏振角为- 48°±11°。做作周论
所测偏振角与Sgr A*为主要发射源的出书偏振角相不同 ,偏振度表明约莫200年前,文导Sgr A*的X射线光度与塞弗特星系的光度曾经持久至关。
▲ Abstract :
The centre of the Milky Way Galaxy hosts a black hole with a solar mass of about 4 million (Sagittarius A* (Sgr A)) that is very quiescent at present with a luminosity many orders of magnitude below those of active galactic nuclei. Reflection of X-rays from Sgr A* by dense gas in the Galactic Centre region offers a means to study its past flaring activity on timescales of hundreds and thousands of years. The shape of the X-ray continuum and the strong fluorescent iron line observed from giant molecular clouds in the vicinity of Sgr A* are consistent with the reflection scenario. If this interpretation is correct, the reflected continuum emission should be polarized. Here we report observations of polarized X-ray emission in the direction of the molecular clouds in the Galactic Centre using the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer. We measure a polarization degree of 31%±11%, and a polarization angle of 48°±11°. The polarization angle is consistent with Sgr?A* being the primary source of the emission, and the polarization degree implies that some 200 years ago, the X-ray luminosity of Sgr?A* was briefly comparable to that of a Seyfert galaxy.
质料迷信Materials Science
Liquid metal for high-entropy alloy nanoparticles synthesis
▲ 作者 :Guanghui Cao, Jingjing Liang, Zenglong Guo, Kena Yang, Gang Wang, Huiliu Wang, et al.
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▲ 摘要:
高熵合金纳米颗粒(HEA-NPs)作为功能质料具备广漠的运用远景。可是,到当初为止,已经实现的高熵合金仅限于相似元素的调色板 ,这极大地拦阻了差距运用的质料妄想、功能优化以及机理探究 。
钻研组发现 ,给予其余元素负混合焓的液态金属可提供晃动的热力学条件,并作为事实的动态混合储层 ,从而在以及善反映条件下分解多种金属元素的HEA-NPs 。所波及的元素具备普遍的原子半径(1.24-1.97 ?)以及熔点(303-3683 K)。
钻研组经由混合焓调谐实现为了纳米颗粒的精确制作妄想,此外复原位捉拿了实时转换历程(即从液态金属到结晶HEA-NPs),证明了合金化历程中的动态裂变-聚变行动 。
▲ Abstract:
High-entropy alloy nanoparticles (HEA-NPs) show great potential as functional materials. However, thus far, the realized high-entropy alloys have been restricted to palettes of similar elements, which greatly hinders the material design, property optimization and mechanistic exploration for different applications. Herein, we discovered that liquid metal endowing negative mixing enthalpy with other elements could provide a stable thermodynamic condition and act as a desirable dynamic mixing reservoir, thus realizing the synthesis of HEA-NPs with a diverse range of metal elements in mild reaction conditions. The involved elements have a wide range of atomic radii (1.24–1.97 ) and melting points (303–3,683 K). We also realized the precisely fabricated structures of nanoparticles via mixing enthalpy tuning. Moreover, the real-time conversion process (that is, from liquid metal to crystalline HEA-NPs) is captured in situ, which confirmed a dynamic fission–fusion behaviour during the alloying process.
机械工程Mechanical Engineering
Harnessing a paper-folding mechanism for reconfigurable DNA origami
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